7 datasets found

Tags: Face Forgery

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  • FFIW

    FFIW dataset for face forgery detection
  • MSWT for Face Forgery Detection

    Face forgery detection using multi-scale wavelet transformer framework
  • WildDeepfake

    WildDeepfake [13] is a challenging real-world dataset for deepfake detection.
  • CelebDF

    CelebDF [12] is a large-scale challenging dataset for deepfake forensics.
  • Celeb-DF

    Face forgery by deepfake is widely spread over the internet and has raised severe societal concerns. Recently, how to detect such forgery contents has become a hot research...
  • DeeperForensics-1.0

    DeeperForensics-1.0 is a large-scale dataset for real-world face forgery detection, containing 60,000 videos and 17.6 million frames.
  • FaceForensics++

    Deepfakes have become a critical social problem, and detecting them is of utmost importance. The FaceForensics++ dataset offers fake video datasets. Most of the detection...