6 datasets found

Tags: breast cancer

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  • GBSG

    The GBSG dataset contains clinical data for breast cancer patients, including features and event times.
  • Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) dataset

    The Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Diagnostic) dataset is a collection of images of breast tissue, used for diagnostic purposes. The dataset consists of 569 images, each labeled with...

    The METABRIC dataset contains clinical data for breast cancer patients, including features and event times.
  • Breast Cancer Dataset

    Breast cancer dataset where mammograms have been labeled independently by three doctors. Ground-truth has been obtained through a biopsy, not available to the algorithm nor the...

    The dataset used in the paper for whole slide image (WSI) classification, which is a type of digital pathology. The dataset consists of histopathology and cytopathology images,...
  • Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is the Breast Cancer Wisconsin (Original) dataset, which contains 699 entries, 9 dimensions, and 2 classes.