Empatica E4 Dataset
The dataset used in the MHDeep framework, containing physiological signals and ambient information collected from wearable medical sensors. -
MHDeep Dataset
The dataset used in the MHDeep framework, containing physiological signals and ambient information collected from wearable medical sensors. -
VTT-ConIoT dataset
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) from wearable sensor data identifies movements or activities in unconstrained environments. -
Gaitboter dataset
Gait analysis dataset using inertial and film-pressure sensors -
PAMAP2: Physiological Activity Monitoring in Ambulatory Settings Dataset
PAMAP2: Physiological Activity Monitoring in Ambulatory Settings Dataset -
HHAR: Heterogeneous Human Activity Recognition Dataset
HHAR: Heterogeneous Human Activity Recognition Dataset -
WISDM Dataset
The dataset consists of six activities performed by 29 subjects. These activities include walking, upstairs, downstairs, jogging, upstairs, and standing. -
Human Activity Recognition (HAR) dataset
The dataset used in this paper is a multiclass classification task where the goal is to correctly predict which of the 7 activities is being performed by the user. The... -
Guided-GAN: Adversarial Representation Learning for Activity Recognition with...
Human activity recognition (HAR) is an important research field in ubiquitous computing where the acquisition of large-scale labeled sensor data is tedious, labor-intensive and...