Simulation Parameters and Results for mmWave and LTE Connections
Simulation parameters and results for mmWave and LTE connections -
Simulated Non-Gaussian Data
The dataset used in this paper is a simulated non-Gaussian data. -
Simulation results
The dataset used in this paper is a set of simulation results for distinguishing between physical faults and cyberattacks. -
SoMoSiMu-Bench: A Benchmark for Social Movement Simulation
A Twitter-like environment and a benchmark SoMoSiMu-Bench for simulation and evaluation of social media user simulation. -
AADS: Augmented autonomous driving simulation using data-driven algorithms
AADS: Augmented autonomous driving simulation using data-driven algorithms. -
Simulated Environments and Networks
A dataset for simulating linear and nonlinear dynamic systems, with measurements received over a network. -
The dataset used in this paper is a sample of 1,000, 3,000, 5,000, and 10,000 observations. -
Design and use paradigms for gazebo, an open-source multi-robot simulator
Design and use paradigms for gazebo, an open-source multi-robot simulator. -
DSSE: a Drone Swarm Search Environment
A Drone Swarm Search environment, based on PETTINGZOO, that is to be used in conjunction with multi-agent (or single-agent) reinforcement learning algorithms. -
Ray-Tracing Simulation
A ray-tracing simulation was conducted to predict pseudorange biases caused by reflections due to buildings in an urban environment. -
3D Terrain and Building Map
A 3D terrain and building map of the simulation area and 3D terrain and building map from 3dbuildings. -
Simulated Case Study
A simulated case study is designed to evaluate the performances of the proposed approaches under known and controlled conditions. -
Simulated scenarios
Simulated scenarios for testing the proposed methodology. -
Driving behavior dataset
Driving behavior dataset collected from drivers using a driving simulator. -
Diffusion bridges
The dataset used in the paper is a simulation of diffusion bridges, which are diffusion processes that are conditioned to initialize and terminate at two given states. -
Simulated DW-MRI data
Simulated DW-MRI data for mean kurtosis estimation