Political Blogs
The Political Blogs dataset is a list of political blogs from 2004 US Election classified as liberal or conservative, and links between the blogs. -
Characterizing Polarization in Social Networks using the Signed Relational La...
The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the Signed Latent Distance Model (SLDM) and the Signed Latent Relational Distance Model (SLIM) on four real signed networks of... -
Learning to discover social circles in ego networks
Friendship network dataset -
The network data repository with interactive graph analytics and visualization
Social circles: Facebook dataset -
Extended, WannaCry, and Celebrity
Extended, WannaCry, and Celebrity social networks -
Evolution of Beliefs in Social Networks
The dataset is used to analyze the evolution of beliefs in social networks. It contains three cases: static network, randomly changing network, and homophily-based dynamic network. -
Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone
The Global Database of Events, Language, and Tone (GDELT) dataset is a large collection of event records from news articles from 1979 to present. The dataset is used to model... -
LiveJournal dataset
The LiveJournal dataset is a free online blogging social network of around 4 million users. -
Political Blogs dataset
The Political Blogs dataset contains a list of political blogs from the 2004 US Election classified as liberal or conservative, and links between blogs. -
Social Honeypot dataset
The dataset used for spammer detection on social network, focusing on topic-based features. -
Social Network Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a social network dataset, which contains user interactions and popularity data. -
Coauthor Physics
The Coauthor Physics dataset is a co-authorship graph extracted from the Microsoft Academic Graph, with a focus on Physics research. -
Matrix factorization (MF) and Autoencoder (AE) are among the most successful approaches of unsupervised learning. -
Enron Email Corpus
The dataset is used to discover hierarchical relationships from unstructured observations, specifically in the setting of discovering pairwise hierarchical relations between... -
Karate Network
Karate network dataset. -
Zachary’s karate club
Zachary’s karate club is a well-known valued graph. -
DBLP dataset
The DBLP dataset contains full paper texts with 2,874,303 citations in the field of computer science.