14 datasets found

Tags: Social Network Analysis

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  • Political Blogs

    The Political Blogs dataset is a list of political blogs from 2004 US Election classified as liberal or conservative, and links between the blogs.
  • Evolution of Beliefs in Social Networks

    The dataset is used to analyze the evolution of beliefs in social networks. It contains three cases: static network, randomly changing network, and homophily-based dynamic network.
  • DeepWalk

    DeepWalk: Online Learning of Social Representations
  • LiveJournal dataset

    The LiveJournal dataset is a free online blogging social network of around 4 million users.
  • Political Blogs dataset

    The Political Blogs dataset contains a list of political blogs from the 2004 US Election classified as liberal or conservative, and links between blogs.
  • Social Network Dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is a social network dataset, which contains user interactions and popularity data.
  • LiveJournal

    Matrix factorization (MF) and Autoencoder (AE) are among the most successful approaches of unsupervised learning.
  • Enron Email Corpus

    The dataset is used to discover hierarchical relationships from unstructured observations, specifically in the setting of discovering pairwise hierarchical relations between...
  • DBLP dataset

    The DBLP dataset contains full paper texts with 2,874,303 citations in the field of computer science.
  • LastFM

    The dataset used in the paper is a collection of explicit interactions gathered from various sources, including music websites, movie ratings, book clubs, social networks, and...
  • WebKB: A Large-Scale Social Network Dataset

    The WebKB dataset is a collection of web pages from the University of Washington's Knowledge Base, with each page annotated with a set of labels.
  • BlogCatalog

    The BlogCatalog dataset is a blog directory that manages bloggers and their blogs. Each unit is a blogger and the features are bag-of-words representations of keywords in...
  • Pokec dataset

    The Pokec dataset is a social network dataset.
  • CORA

    The dataset used in this paper is the CORA citation network, a directed graph with 19,793 vertices and 27,225 edges.