88 datasets found

Groups: Classification Organizations: No Organization

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  • Abalone

    The Abalone dataset has 4177 observation 8 covariates. Sex is a nominal variable with 3 categories: Male, Female and Infant. Length (mm) is the longest shell measurement,...
  • COMPAS Dataset

    The COMPAS recidivism dataset contains 6,167 samples, and the task is to predict the recidivism of an individual based on criminal history, with the binary protected attribute...
  • Adult dataset

    A commonly observed pattern in machine learning models is an underprediction of the target feature, with the model’s predicted target rate for members of a given category...
  • Mushroom Dataset

    The mushroom dataset is a classification dataset containing 8124 instances.
  • Mobile Features Dataset

    The Mobile Features Dataset is used to test the proposed method.
  • Bank Marketing

    The dataset comprises of phone call records of a marketing campaign run by a Portuguese bank. The marital status of the clients is considered feature to ensure fairness.
  • S3DIS

    The dataset used in the paper is a real-world 3D point cloud dataset, which is used for 3D shape classification, part segmentation, and shape retrieval tasks.
  • ModelNet40

    Point cloud registration is a crucial problem in computer vision and robotics. Existing methods either rely on matching local geometric features, which are sensitive to the pose...