New Normal: Cooperative Paradigm for Covid-19
The proposed scheme uses IoT based health monitoring and CNN based object detection methods to detect social distancing violations and track exposed or infected people. -
COVID-19 Image Data Collection
The dataset of chest x-rays used in this paper come from COVID-19 image data collection from Joseph Paul Cohen and Paul Morrison and Lan Dao. This dataset contains x-rays of... -
SARS-CoV-2 Complete Genomes
The dataset used for training and testing the quantum style-based GAN model for predicting spike protein variation structure of COVID-19 epidemic strains. -
SARS-CoV-2 RNA sequences
The dataset used for training and testing the quantum style-based GAN model for predicting spike protein variation structure of COVID-19 epidemic strains. -
COVID-19 Open Data
The dataset is used to demonstrate the application of the Computational Hypergraph Discovery (CHD) framework to recover functional dependencies from COVID-19 open data. -
CORD-19 Research Challenge
COVID-19 research challenge dataset -
COVID-MTL: Multitask Learning with Shift3D and Random-weighted Loss
COVID-19 CT dataset for automated diagnosis and severity assessment of COVID-19 -
CNN-based transfer learning–Bilstm network dataset
The CNN-based transfer learning–Bilstm network dataset is a dataset of COVID-19 images for image classification. -
COVID-ResNet dataset
The COVID-ResNet dataset is a dataset of COVID-19 images for image classification. -
COVID-19 features on CXR dataset
The COVID-19 features on CXR dataset is a dataset of COVID-19 images for image classification. -
COVID-Net dataset
The COVID-Net dataset is a dataset of COVID-19 images for image classification. -
COVIDx dataset
The COVIDx dataset is a combination of many publicly available datasets for COVID-19 image classification. -
BIMCV-COVID19 Dataset -
COVID-19 Disinformation Categories Corpus
The COVID-19 disinformation categories corpus, which provides manual annotation of debunked COVID-19 disinformation into 10 semantic categories. -
Long COVID dataset
A dataset of 88 long COVID patients used for independent qualitative evaluation and analysis. -
Covariate Feature Dataset
COVID-19 data and SafeGraph POI based Mobility Data -
COVID-19 data and SafeGraph POI based Mobility Data -
COVID-19 sounds dataset
COVID-19 sounds dataset is collected from Cambridge University with mutual agreement for a research purpose. -
COVID-19 Segmentation from CT Images
The dataset used for COVID-19 segmentation from CT images, using deep learning and imaging for delineating COVID-19 infection in lungs. -
COVID-19 Cases
The dataset contains the number of confirmed COVID-19 cases from January 22, 2020, to April 7, 2020.