5 datasets found

Tags: Energy Consumption

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  • Household Power Consumption Dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is a real dataset consisting of a series of household minute-averaged active power consumption (in Kilowatts) from 57600 samples.
  • Pecan Street Dataset

    The dataset used in this paper is a load injection profile dataset, which is a high-resolution temporally correlated power consumption dataset.
  • TUM data set

    The TUM data set contains 72 real driving excursions in Munich. The variables in the data are recorded once every 0.1 seconds using a 2014 BMW i3 (60 Ah) as the testing vehicle.
  • Energy Consumption Data

    The dataset is not explicitly described in the paper, but it is mentioned as a real-world dataset for energy consumption from 02/2011-02/2013.
  • Energy Dataset

    The dataset contains energy data from the UCI Appliances energy prediction dataset with 28 features and noisy periodicity and correlation.