NYC Complaint Data dataset
A real-world dataset containing over 228 thousand complaint records in New York City. Each record includes the date, time, and location (latitude and longitude) of the complaint. -
NYC Vehicle Collisions dataset
A real-world dataset containing about 1.05 million vehicle collision records. Each collision record includes the time and location (latitude and longitude). -
Crimes in Vancouver dataset
A real-world dataset containing more than 530 thousand crime records, including all categories of crimes committed in Vancouver. Each crime record contains the time and location... -
Synthetic dataset for spatio-temporal point processes
A 3-D spatio-temporal point process synthetic dataset. The spatial observation x spans the area of [0, 1] × [0, 1], while the temporal observation window covers the time... -
Integration-free Training for Spatio-temporal Multimodal Covariate Deep Kerne...
A novel deep spatio-temporal point process model, Deep Kernel Mixture Point Processes (DKMPP), that incorporates multimodal covariate information and captures complex... -
Spatio-temporal Diffusion Point Processes
Spatio-temporal point process (STPP) is a stochastic collection of points, where each point denotes an event x = (t, s) associated with time t and location s. STPP is a...