CTR Prediction Models
The dataset used in this paper is a real-world online sponsor advertising application, containing user click history logs from Baidu’s search engine. -
Mixture of Gaussians, CIFAR-10, STL-10, CelebA, and ImageNet
The dataset used in the paper is a mixture of Gaussians, CIFAR-10, STL-10, CelebA, and ImageNet. -
Interpretable Multi-Task Deep Neural Networks for Dynamic Predictions of Post...
A large retrospective cohort of 43,943 adult patients undergoing 52,529 major inpatient surgeries. -
The dataset used in the paper is a testbed comprising two Unmanned Ground Vehicle (UGVs) and two NVIDIA Jetson devices. -
MB-DECTNet: A Model-Based Unrolled Network for Accurate 3D DECT Reconstruction
The dataset used in the paper is a set of dual-energy CT sinograms and reconstructed images. -
Various Datasets
The datasets used in the paper are described as follows: WikiMIA, BookMIA, Temporal Wiki, Temporal arXiv, ArXiv-1 month, Multi-Webdata, LAION-MI, Gutenberg. -
A Deep Generative Model of Speech Complex Spectrograms
This paper proposes an approach to the joint modeling of the short-time Fourier transform magnitude and phase spectrograms with a deep generative model. -
WRN28x10 dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the WRN28x10 dataset, a deep neural network trained on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. -
VGG16 dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the VGG16 dataset, a deep neural network trained on the CIFAR-10 and CIFAR-100 datasets. -
ResNet50 dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the ResNet50 dataset, a deep neural network trained on the ImageNet dataset. -
Data pruning aims to obtain lossless performances with less overall cost. A common approach is to filter out samples that make less contribution to the training. -
COVID-19 Segmentation from CT Images
The dataset used for COVID-19 segmentation from CT images, using deep learning and imaging for delineating COVID-19 infection in lungs. -
Exploring the Limits of Large Scale Pre-training
A dataset for exploring the limits of large-scale pre-training. -
Broken Neural Scaling Laws
A smoothly broken power law functional form that accurately models and extrapolates the scaling behaviors of deep neural networks for various architectures and tasks. -
Generated Video Dataset (GVD)
A large-scale generated video benchmark dataset for network training and evaluation, comprising synthetic videos from 11 different generator models. -
Off-Policy Deep Reinforcement Learning without Exploration
The dataset used in the paper is a batch of data collected from a fixed batch of data which has already been gathered, without offering further possibility for data collection. -
muNet: Evolving Pretrained Deep Neural Networks into Scalable Auto-tuning Mul...
The proposed method uses the layers of a pretrained deep neural network as building blocks to construct an ML system that can jointly solve an arbitrary number of tasks. -
CycleAdvGAN: integration of adversarial attack and defense
The MNIST and CIFAR10 datasets are used to evaluate the Cycle-Consistent Adversarial GAN (CycleAdvGAN) for image classification. -
NIH CXR database for lung segmentation
NIH CXR database for lung segmentation, including CXR images with severe abnormal findings.