Multi-Modal Dataset for Time-of-Flight Imaging
The dataset used in the paper is a multi-modal dataset for time-of-flight (ToF) imaging, which includes indoor sequences with challenging light and scene conditions. -
Dynamic Scenes Dataset
The Dynamic Scenes Dataset contains 8 dynamic scenes with 12 synchronized cameras, enabling accurate depth estimation. -
Dense Depth Posterior (DDP) from Single Image and Sparse Range
A deep learning system to infer the posterior distribution of a dense depth map associated with an image, by exploiting sparse range measurements. -
KITTI Odometry
The dataset used in the paper is a large-scale point cloud compression framework, which can organize sparse and un-structured point clouds in a memory-efficient way. -
iBIMS-1 dataset
The iBIMS-1 dataset used for testing the CodedVO method, containing five zero-shot scenes. -
ICL-NUIM dataset
The ICL-NUIM dataset used for testing the CodedVO method, containing two scenes: (of-krt2) and (lr-krt2). -
UMD-CodedVO dataset
The dataset used for training and testing the CodedVO method, containing three indoor sequences: LivingRoom, DiningRoom, and Corridor. -
Depth Completion with RGB Prior
Depth completion dataset for industrial objects with RGBD images and ground truth depth. -
Depth Estimation and Object Detection
The dataset used for depth estimation and object detection. -
FlyingThings3D dataset
The FlyingThings3D dataset is a benchmark for stereo matching, consisting of a large collection of images and corresponding disparity maps. -
PolyphonicFormer: Unified Query Learning for Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmen...
Depth-aware Video Panoptic Segmentation (DVPS) is a new challenging vision problem that aims to predict panoptic segmentation and depth in a video simultaneously. -
A Weakly-Supervised Depth Estimation Network Using Attention Mechanism
A weakly-supervised depth estimation network using attention mechanism for cases with wrong labels.