WithMe dataset
The WithMe dataset contains EEG signals from subjects performing an auditory-visual attention task. -
Physionet EEG motor movement/imagery database (MMIDB) and BCI Competition IV ...
The proposed method uses two publicly available motor imagery EEG datasets for validation. -
San Diego database
The dataset contains EEG data recorded from 10 healthy subjects. -
Tsinghua dataset
The dataset contains EEG data recorded from 35 healthy subjects. -
SCDM: Unified Representation Learning for EEG-to-fNIRS
The study proposes the spatio-temporal controlled diffusion model (SCDM) for cross-modal generation of synthetic fNIRS signals from EEG data. -
P300-based speller dataset
ERP-based EEG detection gaining increasing attention in the field of brain-computer interfaces. However, due to the complexity of ERP signal components, their low...