Multi-Agent Environment
The dataset used in the paper is a multi-agent environment where agents learn to coordinate their actions to achieve a common goal. The dataset is used to evaluate the proposed... -
DARLEI: Deep Accelerated Reinforcement Learning with Evolutionary Intelligence
DARLEI is a framework that combines evolutionary algorithms with parallelized reinforcement learning for efficiently training and evolving populations of UNIMAL agents. -
Backpropagation Through Time and Space
The dataset used in the paper for training a recurrent spatio-temporal network for hyperbolic conservation laws. -
DSSE: a Drone Swarm Search Environment
A Drone Swarm Search environment, based on PETTINGZOO, that is to be used in conjunction with multi-agent (or single-agent) reinforcement learning algorithms. -
Multi-Agent Games Using Adaptive Feedback Control
The dataset used in this paper is a set of five game-theoretic tasks (Harmony Game, Hawk-Dove, Stag-Hunt, Prisoners Dilemma and Battle of the Exes) with seven different agent... -
Google Research Football
The Google Research Football environment is a reinforcement learning experimental platform focused on training agents to play football.