Kinetics: A Large-Scale Video Benchmark for Human Action Recognition
A large-scale video benchmark for human action recognition. -
Breakfast dataset
The Breakfast dataset is another dataset used in the paper, which contains 712 videos of people performing various activities, such as making coffee or scrambling eggs. The... -
SynAction dataset
The dataset used for unsupervised image-to-image translation, consisting of a set of 20 possible actions performed by 10 different human renders. -
HACS: Human Action Clips and Segments Dataset
Human action clips and segments dataset for recognition and temporal localization -
Penn Action
The Penn Action dataset is a real video dataset of people performing various indoor and outdoor sports with annotations of human joint locations. -
MSRActionPairs Dataset
The MSRActionPairs Dataset consists of 12 action types performed by 10 subjects. Each subject performs every action three times. This dataset contains 6 pairs of similar actions... -
MSR Action3D Dataset
The MSR Action3D dataset covers 20 sports action types and 10 subjects. All subjects perform each action two or three times. The dataset is very challenging due to the high... -
UTKinect-Action Dataset
The UTKinect-Action dataset consists of 10 action types performed by 10 subjects. All subjects perform each action twice. Since subjects are free to move in the environment, the... -
UTD-MHAD dataset
UTD-MHAD dataset for human action recognition -
AID dataset
The AID dataset is a benchmark for scene classification in remote sensing. It contains aerial images with 30 scene types. -
SBU kinect dataset
The SBU kinect dataset is an interaction dataset acquired using the Microsoft kinect sensor. -
A real-world skeleton-based human action recognition dataset. -
A real-world skeleton-based human action recognition dataset. -
THUMOS Challenge: Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes
THUMOS Challenge: Action Recognition with a Large Number of Classes. -
Charades dataset
The Charades dataset is a dataset for human action recognition. It contains 200 videos with 3,800+ action instances. -
SpATr: MoCap 3D Human Action Recognition based on Spiral Auto-encoder and Tra...
The proposed model is designed to learn recognizing actions performed by a subject in the form of mesh video. -
UCF-101 and HMDB-51 datasets
The UCF-101 and HMDB-51 datasets are used for human action recognition.