Location prediction forecasts a user’s location based on historical user mobility traces. To tackle the intrinsic sparsity issue of real-world user mobility traces,... -
Twitter Data
The dataset used in this study is a collection of Twitter data, containing all relevant tweets published for each stock. -
DMCL dataset
The DMCL dataset contains GPS data of real trajectories analysis work. -
Yumuv dataset
The proposed model is tested using longitudinal tracking datasets from two tracking studies performed in Switzerland. The study involves 498 participants based in and around the... -
Green Class (GC) and Yumuv datasets
The proposed model is tested using longitudinal tracking datasets from two tracking studies performed in Switzerland. The study contains 139 participants based in Switzerland... -
Deep-move: Predicting Human Mobility with Attentional Recurrent Networks
Deep-move: Predicting human mobility with attentional recurrent networks.