FoggyCityscapes dataset
The dataset used for testing the proposed semantic approach towards single image dehazing. -
NYU and Cityscapes datasets
The dataset used for training and testing the proposed semantic approach towards single image dehazing. -
The dataset used for training and testing the pyramid fusion dark channel prior (PF-DCP) algorithm for single image dehazing. -
WeatherStream Dataset
The WeatherStream dataset is a dataset for single image deweathering. -
NTIRE 2023 Non-Homogeneous Dehazing Challenge
The dataset for non-homogeneous dehazing, which includes RESIDE (Indoor Training Set, ITS), NH-HAZE, NH-HAZE2, and HD-NH-HAZE. -
Non-Homogeneous Dehazing Dataset
The dataset for non-homogeneous dehazing, which includes RESIDE (Indoor Training Set, ITS), NH-HAZE, NH-HAZE2, and HD-NH-HAZE. -
Real-world image dehazing via unsupervised contrastive learning -
RealNightHaze dataset
RealNightHaze is a real-world night dehazing dataset. It includes 440 night hazy images, where 150 images are from [98], 200 images are from [87] and the rest images are... -
GTA5 nighttime haze dataset
Nighttime haze images often suffer from reduced visibility. In addition to the common issues faced by night images, such as low light, noise, uneven light distribution, and... -
Contrastive learning for compact single image dehazing
Contrastive learning for compact single image dehazing -
From synthetic to real: Image dehazing collaborating with unlabeled real data
From synthetic to real: Image dehazing collaborating with unlabeled real data -
DEA-Net: Single image dehazing based on detail-enhanced convolution and conte...
Single image dehazing is a challenging ill-posed problem which estimates latent haze-free images from observed hazy images. -
URHI dataset
The dataset used for testing the proposed T-Net and Stack T-Net for single image dehazing. -
SOTS dataset
The dataset used for training and testing the proposed T-Net and Stack T-Net for single image dehazing. -
Hazy-COCO dataset
The Hazy-COCO dataset is a synthetic dataset generated by adding haze to the MS COCO dataset. -
REalistic Single Image DEhazing (RESIDE) dataset
The RESIDE dataset is a large-scale dataset for benchmarking single image dehazing algorithms, and it includes both indoor and outdoor hazy images. -
NTIRE2018-Dehazing challenge dataset
The NTIRE2018-Dehazing challenge dataset contains indoor and outdoor hazy images.