67 datasets found

Groups: Image Retrieval Organizations: No Organization

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  • Shoes

    The dataset used in the paper is the Shoes dataset, which consists of c.50,000 examples of shoes in RGB color, from 4 different categories and over 3000 different subcategories.
  • Visual Concept Search

    A dataset for visual concept search, where the goal is to identify images containing relevant content based on visual concepts.
  • COCO 5K

    The dataset used in the paper for unpaired vision-language pre-training via cross-modal CutMix.
  • GeneCIS

    GeneCIS is a benchmark for Compositional Image Retrieval, which aims to retrieve the relevant target image in a database.

    CIRCO is a benchmark for Compositional Image Retrieval, which aims to retrieve the relevant target image in a database.
  • Vision-by-Language for Training-Free Compositional Image Retrieval

    Compositional Image Retrieval through Vision-by-Language (CIReVL) is a training-free approach for Zero-Shot Compositional Image Retrieval (CIR). Utilizing off-the-shelf...
  • Flickr

    The dataset used in the paper is a multi-graph problem, where each graph represents a different network. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the RECS algorithm on...
  • Beyond part models: Person retrieval with refined part pooling (and a strong ...

    The dataset is used for person re-identification and image retrieval.
  • Unlabeled samples generated by GAN improve the person re-identification basel...

    A dataset for unsupervised person re-identification using Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs).
  • Birds-to-Words

    The Birds-to-Words dataset contains 15,931 images (12,770 training and 3,151 testing) tagged with descriptions of fine-grained differences between pairwise bird images.
  • CIRR

    CIRR is a general image dataset that comprises 36,554 triplets derived from 21,552 images from the popular natural language inference dataset NLVR2.
  • FashionIQ

    The FashionIQ dataset contains images of fashion products over 3 categories: Dress, Toptee, and Shirt, with 46,609 images in the training and 31,075 images in the validation set.
  • Sketchy

    Sketchy is a large collection of sketch-photo pairs. The dataset consists of images from 125 different classes, with 100 photos each.

    The dataset used in the paper is a multi-view clustering dataset, which contains 6 views of 30000 samples each. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed...
  • Flickr30k

    The Flickr30k dataset is widely utilized for image caption and image-text retrieval tasks, providing a substantial collection of images with associated captions.
  • Oxford5k and Paris6k

    Oxford5k and Paris6k are large-scale image retrieval datasets.
  • Wiki

    A bipartite interaction graph that contains the edits on Wikipedia pages over a month.
  • CUB200-2011

    The dataset used in the paper is CUB200-2011, a fine-grained image classification dataset.
  • LabelMe dataset

    The LabelMe dataset is a natural scene dataset used for testing the performance of the IBTM model on image classification tasks.
  • Fashion Product Images Dataset

    Fashion Product Images Dataset containing eyewear, footwear, and bags