DIS-VD dataset
The DIS-VD dataset is used for evaluation, which consists of 470 samples. -
DIS-5K dataset
The DIS-5K dataset is used for evaluation, which consists of 3,000 samples for training, 470 for validation, and 2,000 for testing (partitioned into four subsets DIS-TE1∼DIS-TE4). -
UAVid Dataset
UAVid is a dataset for semantic segmentation of UAV images, containing 420 images with 8 classes. -
Pascal VOC 2012
The dataset used in the paper is the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, which is a benchmark for instance segmentation. The dataset consists of 1464 images with 20 class categories and... -
COCO-Panoptic and ADE20K
The dataset used in the paper is COCO-Panoptic and ADE20K, which are widely used in the field of computer vision. -
COCO Stuff
COCO Stuff dataset is an extension of the COCO dataset, 164,000 images covering 171 classes are annotated with segmentation masks. -
ISLES 2018 Challenge Dataset
The ISLES 2018 challenge dataset includes CT scan, CTP source data, and derived perfusion maps for ischemic stroke lesion segmentation. -
Vitale et al. Dataset
A dataset of high quality is one of the key factors to train a neural network. Unfortunately, there are few open-source abdominal ultrasound image datasets. -
Abdominal Ultrasound Image Dataset
A dataset of high quality is one of the key factors to train a neural network. Unfortunately, there are few open-source abdominal ultrasound image datasets. -
Understanding dark scenes based on multi-modal image data is challenging, as both the visible and auxiliary modalities provide limited semantic information for the task. -
Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset
The Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset is a benchmark for object detection, segmentation, and image classification. -
CrackSeg9k is a collection of various image datasets showing cracked and uncracked surfaces of multiple building materials. -
Berkeley Segmentation Dataset
A database of human segmented natural images and its application to evaluating segmentation algorithms and measuring ecological statistics. -
Medico Automatic Polyp Segmentation Challenge
Polyp segmentation using U-Net-ResNet50 -
DiffusePast: Diffusion-based Generative Replay for Class Incremental Semantic...
The Class Incremental Semantic Segmentation (CISS) extends the traditional seg-mentation task by incrementally learning newly added classes. -
Modular U-Net for automated segmentation of X-ray tomography images in compos...
A reinterpretation of the U-Net architecture as a modularized structure was proposed as a solution to scale up the segmentation of such images. -
Pyramid scene parsing network
Pyramid scene parsing network for semantic segmentation. -
MS COCO dataset
The MS COCO dataset is a large benchmark for image captioning, containing 328K images with 5 caption descriptions each. -
COCO+LVIS dataset
The COCO+LVIS dataset contains millions of high-quality labels for natural images.