9 datasets found

Tags: Image Generation

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  • BCI: Breast Cancer Immunohistochemical Image Generation through Pyramid Pix2pix

    The Breast Cancer Immunohistochemical Image Generation through Pyramid Pix2pix dataset contains 4870 registered image pairs, covering a variety of HER2 expression levels.
  • Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models

    The dataset used in the paper for training and testing the Denoising Diffusion Implicit Models.
  • LSUN Bedrooms

    The dataset used in the paper is the LSUN bedrooms dataset, a large-scale image dataset.
  • LSUN-Church

    Progress in GANs has enabled the generation of high-res-olution photorealistic images of astonishing quality. StyleGANs allow for compelling attribute modification on such...
  • LSUN

    The dataset used for training and validation of the proposed approach to combine semantic segmentation and dense outlier detection.
  • StyleGAN2-ADA

    The dataset used for calibration during the quantization process.
  • StyleGAN2

    This dataset is used in the paper to demonstrate the effectiveness of the GANSpace technique.
  • StyleGAN

    The dataset used in the paper for training and testing the proposed method for detecting, attributing and localizing GAN generated images.
  • FFHQ

    Large scale datasets [18, 17, 27, 6] boosted text conditional image generation quality. However, in some domains it could be difficult to make such datasets and usually it could...