The CIC-IDS-2017 dataset contains more than 2 million flows of network data, containing both benign (74.75%) traffic and a large number of different attacks (25.25%, 14 attack... -
Network traffic flow data
The dataset is used for network intrusion detection, specifically for detecting BotNet and peer-to-peer (P2P) traffic. -
KDD Cup 99 dataset
The KDD Cup 99 dataset is a well-known dataset for network intrusion detection research. -
Edge-IIoTset Cyber Security Dataset of IoT & IIoT
The proposed approach for the FTL algorithms consists of a client-server architecture, where the models generated from the client data are utilized to update the server model in... -
The CICIDS2017 dataset was collected 2 years after the UNSW NB-15 data. The collection took place for a week. On each day attacks such as: Brute Force FTP, Brute Force SSH, DoS,... -
KDD Cup 1999 Data
A collection of network intrusion detection data.