26 datasets found

Groups: Machine Learning

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  • VGG-16 and ResNet-50 DNNs

    The VGG-16 and ResNet-50 DNNs are used as victim DNNs in the attack.
  • VGG and ResNet DNNs

    The VGG and ResNet DNNs are used as victim DNNs in the attack.
  • Training Dataset

    The training dataset is a collection of the publicly available Arabic corpora listed below: The unshuffled OSCAR corpus (Ortiz Su´arez et al., 2020). The Arabic Wikipedia dump...
  • Test dataset

    A dataset of 200 samples with 1283 resolution, generated using VGrain software with a regularity of 0.73 and uniform random orientation
  • Model Zoo

    The dataset used in the paper is a population of trained NN models, from the model zoo dataset (Sch¨urholt et al., 2022c).
  • SimpleQuestion dataset for Wikidata

    The dataset used in this paper is a reinforcement learning dataset, specifically the SimpleQuestion dataset, which contains questions answerable using Wikidata as the knowledge...