fMRI dataset
The dataset used in this study is a large-scale fMRI dataset acquired from 499 healthy adults. The dataset contains task-evoked fMRI data, which is preprocessed and registered... -
Spectral Graph Wavelet Transform as Feature Extractor for Machine Learning in...
Graph Signal Processing has become a very useful framework for signal operations and representations defined on irregular domains. Exploiting transformations that are defined on... -
Brain dataset
The dataset used in the paper is the Brain dataset, which contains the functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) data of 50 subjects from the Human Connectome Project. -
rs-fMRI dataset for SOZ localization in pediatric RE
The dataset used in this study is a collection of resting-state functional MRI (rs-fMRI) data from 52 children with refractory epilepsy (RE). The data was used to evaluate the... -
Integrated multimodal network approach to PET and MRI based on multidimension...
The dataset consists of FDG PET and T1 MRI images of 23 attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), 21 autism spectrum disorder (ASD) children and 10 pediatric control... -
PHENOM consortium dataset
The PHENOM consortium dataset contains neuroimaging data from 5,456 individuals, including 2,456 individuals with schizophrenia. -
Human Connectome
The dataset used in this paper is a human connectome, a graph with vertices corresponding to locations in a human brain and edges which reflect functional adjacency. -
THINGS EEG2 dataset
EEG dataset for model test (across-modality & across-subject): To further confirm that our ReAlnet-fMRIs learn more general human brain representations instead of just human... -
Horikawa fMRI dataset
fMRI dataset for model test (within-modality & across-subject): Although our ReAlnet-fMRIs were trained on individual fMRI signals, we also would like to whether these... -
Shen fMRI dataset (test set)
fMRI dataset for model test (within-modality & within-subject): To evaluate whether ReAlnet-fMRIs shows higher similarity to human fMRI representations, we applied the test... -
Automatic Segmentation of the Spinal Cord and Intramedullary Multiple Scleros...
The dataset used in the paper for automatic segmentation of the spinal cord and intramedullary multiple sclerosis lesions. -
Massachusetts General Hospital Brain MRI Dataset (Evaluation)
A dataset of 10,520 brain MRI scans acquired at Massachusetts General Hospital, used for evaluation of the proposed segmentation method. -
Massachusetts General Hospital Brain MRI Dataset
A dataset of more than 10,000 uncurated, heterogeneous brain MRI scans acquired at Massachusetts General Hospital. -
Domain-informed B-spline interpolation
The dataset used in this paper is a set of inhomogeneous domains with subdomains, and a set of samples s[k] taken from a continuous function s(x). -
SchizConnect dataset
The SchizConnect dataset is a neuroimaging dataset containing functional MRI data from 60 patients with schizophrenia. The dataset is used for brain mapping and... -
Corticobasal syndrome dataset
The dataset includes structural MRI data, diffusion tensor imaging data, and cerebrospinal fluid analysis. -
Shen fMRI dataset
fMRI dataset for model training: The fMRI data originates from Shen et al. (2019). This Shen fMRI dataset recorded human brain fMRI signals from three subjects while they... -
Longitudinal whole-brain and white matter lesion segmentation
A longitudinal method for whole-brain segmentation of longitudinal MRI scans, using a model-based approach that can take multi-contrast data as input and that can also segment...