Open Images
The Open Images dataset is a large-scale image dataset with a wide range of images, including but not limited to, street scenes, indoor scenes, and outdoor scenes. -
ESD dataset
The ESD dataset offers finetuned weights for the 'car' and 'French-horn' classes. -
French-horn dataset
The French-horn dataset comprises merely 10 identical prompts with different evaluation seeds. -
Pascal VOC 2012
The dataset used in the paper is the Pascal VOC 2012 dataset, which is a benchmark for instance segmentation. The dataset consists of 1464 images with 20 class categories and... -
ImageNet-1K, ADE20K, and COCO 2017
The dataset used in the paper is ImageNet-1K, ADE20K, and COCO 2017. -
Caltech dataset
The Caltech dataset is a dataset of images used to evaluate the performance of the ODIN system. -
Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset
The Microsoft Common Objects in Context (COCO) dataset is a benchmark for object detection, segmentation, and image classification. -
Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) dataset
The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) dataset is a benchmark for object detection and image classification. -
CIFAR10, CIFAR100, STL10, ImageNet
The dataset used in this paper for image classification and object detection tasks. -
The Caltech-UCSD Birds-200-2011 Dataset
The CUB dataset is a collection of images of landbirds and waterbirds from the CUB dataset, combined with images from Places dataset as background. -
ImageNet: A Large-Scale Hierarchical Image Database
The ImageNet dataset is a large-scale image database that contains over 14 million images, each labeled with one of 21,841 categories. -
Galaxy Zoo
The Galaxy Zoo dataset is used to test the ability of TARGET-VAE to predict rotation and translation of objects in images. -
CrowdHuman validation dataset
The CrowdHuman validation dataset contains 4370 images of people in highly crowded settings. -
MS COCO mini-val dataset
The MS COCO mini-val dataset contains 5000 images of 80 classes. -
The dataset used in the paper for image classification, object detection, and face verification tasks. -
OpenImages dataset
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used the OpenImages dataset to train their models. -
Multi-label image recognition is a practical and challenging task compared to single-label image classification.