482 datasets found

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  • OpenImages dataset

    The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that the authors used the OpenImages dataset to train their models.
  • KITTI 2012

    KITTI 2012 is a real-world dataset in the outdoor scenario, and contains 194 training and 195 testing stereo image pairs with the size of 376 × 1240.

    A dataset of textual entailment tasks, used for evaluating the ability of language models to understand relationships between texts.

    The CARLA dataset is a complex urban-like environment with multi-agent dynamics, pedestrians, intersections, cross-traffic, roundabout, and changing weather conditions.
  • MS COCO2017

    The dataset used in the paper is MS COCO2017, a large-scale object detection dataset.
  • COCO validation dataset

    COCO validation dataset

    YOLOX: Exceeding YOLO Series in 2021
  • KITTI object detection dataset

    The KITTI object detection dataset is used for evaluating the proposed method.
  • COCO-20i

    Few-shot segmentation aims to segment novel classes by using the model trained on base classes.
  • MetaDetect

    The dataset used for object detection with deep neural networks, including Kitti, Pascal VOC, and COCO datasets.
  • Scannet

    The dataset used for training and testing the proposed RGBD-based obstacle avoidance system for visually impaired people.
  • DIOR-R

    A large-scale dataset for object detection in aerial images, containing 4,000 bridges in 1,576 images.
  • DOTA-v1.0

    A large-scale dataset for object detection in aerial images, containing 2,541 bridges in 288 images.
  • VisDrone2019-Det

    Object detection with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) has attracted much attention in the research field of computer vision. However, not easy to accurately detect objects with...
  • FSC-147

    Class-Agnostic Counting (CAC) dataset, includes 6,135 images across 147 categories, divided into 3,659 training, 1,286 validation, and 1,190 test images.
  • Mask R-CNN

    The dataset used in this paper for training and testing the KAISA optimizer framework.
  • COCO 2017 Detection Dataset

    A large dataset for object detection, containing 118k training images and 5k validation images.
  • Adaptive Clustering Transformer

    End-to-end Object Detection with Adaptive Clustering Transformer
  • PASCAL VOC 2007

    Multi-label image recognition is a practical and challenging task compared to single-label image classification.

    The dataset used in the paper is a multi-view clustering dataset, which contains 6 views of 30000 samples each. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed...