UVCPNet: A UAV-Vehicle Collaborative Perception Network for 3D Object Detection
Aerial-ground collaborative perception framework for 3D object detection -
Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) Challenge
The Pascal Visual Object Classes (VOC) challenge is a benchmark for object detection and segmentation. -
KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite
The KITTI Vision Benchmark Suite is a dataset used for object detection and tracking in autonomous vehicles. -
Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery
Marine Debris Dataset for Object Detection in Planetscope Imagery -
Custom Dataset for Driver Phone Usage Violations
Custom dataset used to train and evaluate object detection models for detecting driver phone usage violations. -
Scene segmentation in images is a fundamental yet challenging problem in visual content understanding, which is to learn a model to assign every image pixel to a categorical label. -
The PASCAL VOC2007 dataset is a benchmark for object detection and image classification. -
MSCOCO 2017 is a large-scale object detection dataset. -
Teach-DETR: Better Training DETR with Teachers
Teach-DETR is a novel training scheme to learn better DETR-based detectors from teacher detectors. -
ImageNet-1K and MS COCO
The dataset used in the paper is ImageNet-1K and MS COCO. -
Generating Features with Increased Crop-related Diversity for Few-Shot Object...
Two-stage object detectors generate object proposals and classify them to detect objects in images. The proposals do not contain the objects perfectly but overlap with them in... -
Cityscapes Panoptic Segmentation
The Cityscapes dataset consists of 8 thing classes and 11 stuff classes. -
YOLOX-Nano dataset
The dataset used in the paper is YOLOX-Nano dataset.