Sea-surface temperature data
The data used in this example was generated using the following equation: f (x, t) = g1(x)eλ1t +g2(x)eλ2t +g3(x)eλ3t +σ(cid:15) (12) where (cid:15) ∼ N (0, 1) is normally... -
NOAA Sea Surface Temperature Dataset
A dataset of sea surface temperature measurements. -
Bergen Ocean Model
The dataset is used for reconstruction of ocean currents from bottom measurements. -
Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS)
Regional Ocean Modeling System (ROMS) -
Smallest Algae Thrive as the Arctic Ocean Freshens
Smallest algae thrive as the Arctic Ocean freshens. Science, 326:539 – 539. -
IN-MIO COMPASS Ocean general circulation model
The dataset contains daily temperature and salinity fields taken from the IN-MIO COMPASS global ocean circulation model for 3m and 45m depth near the Svalbard group of islands...