Simulated Systems with Contact
The dataset used in the paper is a set of simulated systems with contact, including bouncing point masses, bouncing disks, chained pendulums with ground, gyroscope with a wall,... -
Mass-Spring System Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a mass-spring system, which is a Hamiltonian system with the energy function H(q1, q2, p1, p2) = 1/2 * (m1 * v1^2 + m2 * v2^2) + m1 * k1 * (q1 -... -
Double Pendulum Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a double pendulum system, which is a Hamiltonian system with the energy function H(q1, q2, p1, p2) = 1/2 * (m1 * v1^2 + m2 * v2^2) + m1 * g *... -
Simple Pendulum (SP) problem
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of trajectories from different environments, each with its own set of parameters. -
Pendulum Data
The dataset consists of timestamps for the time at which each pendulum crosses the midpoint of its arc. -
Feynman Symbolic Regression Database
The Feynman Symbolic Regression Database contains 100 regression mysteries drawn from the Feynman Lectures on Physics and a bonus set of an additional 20 mysteries selected for... -
Van der Waals equation
The dataset used in this paper is a virtual experiment setup, where each data entry corresponds to an experiment. The data set categories are inputs/outputs of the virtual... -
Shallow Water Equation
The dataset used for the advection augmented convolutional neural networks. -
The dataset used for the advection augmented convolutional neural networks. -
Neural Dynamical Systems: Balancing Structure and Flexibility in Physical Pre...
A dataset of synthetic dynamical systems, including the Lorenz system and a generalized cartpole problem, used to evaluate the performance of the Neural Dynamical Systems (NDS)... -
Symbolic Pregression: Discovering Physical Laws from Distorted Video
A method for unsupervised learning of equations of motion for objects in raw and optionally distorted unlabeled video. -
4-Body Motion Simulation Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a simulation of a system of 4-body motion governed by a Hamiltonian model. The dataset contains 100,000 sets of positions in three dimensional... -
Kubric Dataset
The Kubric dataset offers training and validation data across various difficulty levels, featuring videos of objects interacting with each other. -
Physion Dataset
The Physion dataset provides training, validation, and testing data for seven scenarios, such as dominoes and support, involving rigid-body objects colliding as well as one... -
Bouncing Ball dataset
The Bouncing Ball dataset is a simulation of multiple balls moving around in a two-dimensional space surrounded by walls on all four sides. -
AI Feynman
AI Feynman: A physics-inspired method for symbolic regression.