CiteULike-T is a large-scale article recommendation dataset. -
Steam-200k is a large-scale game recommendation dataset. -
Coat dataset
The Coat dataset is a dataset of user ratings on coats. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed Epsilon Non-Greedy framework. -
YahooR3 and Coat datasets
The dataset used in the paper is a combination of two datasets: YahooR3 and Coat. The dataset is used to evaluate the performance of the proposed Epsilon Non-Greedy framework. -
PAKDD Recobell and Instacart datasets
PAKDD Recobell dataset, Instacart dataset -
MovieLens-100K, Steam-200K, Gowalla
MovieLens-100K, Steam-200K, Gowalla datasets used for federated recommender system experiments -
Ponpare dataset
A public dataset with a coupons website, suitable for evaluating the proposed methodology. -
Ali-mobile taobao
The dataset is a user-item interaction graph, with 1 billion users and tens of million items. -
Alipay, Tmall, and Alimama
The dataset used in the paper is Alipay, Tmall, and Alimama. These datasets are used for click-through rate (CTR) prediction. The datasets contain user and item features, as... -
Spectral Approach to Item Response Theory
The dataset used in the paper is a real-life dataset from education testing, recommendation systems, and finance. It contains user-item binary response data. -
Three recommendation datasets for evaluation: MovieLens-20M, Last.fm hetrec-2011, and LibraryThing. -
Last.fm hetrec-2011
Three recommendation datasets for evaluation: MovieLens-20M, Last.fm hetrec-2011, and LibraryThing. -
MovieLens-20M, Last.fm hetrec-2011, and LibraryThing
Three recommendation datasets for evaluation: MovieLens-20M, Last.fm hetrec-2011, and LibraryThing. -
The DBbook2014 dataset is a book recommendation dataset, which contains 5,576 users, 2,680 items, and 65,961 ratings. -
MovieLens-1M and Amazon
Two real-world datasets for evaluation of PipAttack, namely MovieLens-1M and Amazon. -
TWIN V2: Scaling Ultra-Long User Behavior Sequence Modeling for Enhanced CTR ...
The dataset is a large-scale industrial dataset collected from Kuaishou, containing user interaction data with click-through as labels. The dataset has a maximum history length...