Regression datasets
The dataset used for regression settings, including Ozone, Machine, MPG, Boston, Student, and Abalone. -
Consistance de la minimisation du risque empirique pour l’optimisation de l’e...
The dataset used in the paper is not explicitly described, but it is mentioned that it is a class of regression models GN. -
Airbnb dataset
The Airbnb dataset is a large dataset containing information about apartments for rent in Chicago. The dataset includes features such as neighborhood, number of beds, amenities,... -
Polynomial Regression Model
The dataset used in the paper is a Bayesian network with a non-conjugate polynomial regression model, with global-only latent variables. -
Micromass dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. -
CNAE dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. -
Parkinsons dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a real dataset from the UCI Machine Learning Repository. -
Diabetes dataset
The Diabetes dataset contains 10 variables-dimensions for a sample size (number of points) of 442 and a target (label) variable which quantifies diabetes progress. -
California Housing Dataset
The California Housing Dataset is a dataset containing information about housing prices in California, with nine features and a target variable of median house price. -
Adult Census Income
Adult Census Income dataset is used to evaluate the fairness of deep learning models. It contains information about individuals in the United States, including age, sex,... -
Crime dataset
The dataset used in this paper is the Crime dataset, which is a real-world UCI Machine Learning Census dataset for violent state prediction. -
S-curve dataset
The S-curve dataset is a 1D curve embedded in 3D space. -
UCI regression tasks and UTKFace dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of UCI regression tasks and a network pretrained for face age estimation. -
School dataset
The dataset contains examination scores of 15,362 students from 139 schools in London. -
wine, iris, digits, boston, diabete, linnerud
The dataset used in this paper is the wine dataset, iris dataset, digits dataset, boston dataset, diabete dataset, and linnerud dataset. -
Iris dataset
The Iris dataset is a multivariate dataset introduced by Sir Ronald Fisher in his 1936 paper "The use of multiple measurements in taxonomic problems". It contains 150 samples... -
Compressed Regression over Adaptive Networks
The dataset used in the paper is a network of distributed agents that solve a regression problem. The agents employ the ACTC diffusion strategy, which involves adaptive... -
Boston housing dataset
The Boston housing dataset is a multivariate dataset containing information about housing prices in Boston. The dataset is used to demonstrate the proposed methods for...