7 datasets found

Groups: Signature Verification Formats: JSON

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  • BiosecurID-SONOF dataset

    The BiosecurID-SONOF dataset is a collection of signatures collected from 132 users, each user has 16 signatures.
  • SEVEN: Deep Semi-supervised Verification Networks

    Verification determines whether two samples belong to the same class or not, and has important applications such as face and fingerprint verifica- tion, where thousands or millions...
  • GPDS-300

    The GPDS-300 database contains 24 genuine signatures for each of 300 individuals.
  • Database1

    The dataset is a collection of 3600 genuine signatures and 2400 forged signatures.
  • Brazilian PUC-PR

    The dataset used for the research on writer-independent feature learning for offline signature verification using deep convolutional neural networks.
  • GPDS-960

    The dataset used for the research on writer-independent feature learning for offline signature verification using deep convolutional neural networks.
  • CEDAR, Bengali, and Hindi datasets

    Three public datasets, namely CEDAR, Bengali, and Hindi, which include genuine (Human Genuine) and forgery (Human Forged) signatures.