Popularity Prediction of Social Media Posts
A dataset for popularity prediction of social media posts. -
Social Media Popularity Prediction
A dataset for popularity prediction of social media posts. -
Instagram popularity prediction
A comprehensive ablation study including transfer learning to represent visual semantics with the explainable features concepts, scenes, and objects. -
Twitter AAE dataset
This dataset contains tweets classified as AAE or Mainstream American English (MAE). Tweets were classified using an ML model, and we consider a subset of tweets where the model... -
Reddit News Topical Interactions
The dataset used in this study has been gathered from the Pushshift Reddit repository, containing archives of the entirety of Reddit posts and comments up to June 2021. -
Elon Musk Tweets Dataset
The Elon Musk tweets dataset is a collection of tweets published by Elon Musk between 2017 and 2022. -
Cascades – BBC News Dataset
Cascades datasets constructed in a recursive manner, including Cascades – PAP News Dataset and Cascades – BBC News Dataset. -
Cascades – PAP News Dataset
Cascades datasets constructed in a recursive manner, including Cascades – PAP News Dataset and Cascades – BBC News Dataset. -
Tweets – BBC News Dataset
New annotated datasets linking tweets and articles, including Tweets – PAP News Dataset, Tweets – BBC News Dataset, Cascades – PAP News Dataset, and Cascades – BBC News Dataset. -
Tweets – PAP News Dataset
New annotated datasets linking tweets and articles, including Tweets – PAP News Dataset, Tweets – BBC News Dataset, Cascades – PAP News Dataset, and Cascades – BBC News Dataset. -
The SEMANTICMEMES dataset of 3.8M images clustered by their semantic function. -
Instagram Dataset
The dataset is created from public Instagram accounts and contains captions and images. -
Twitter Sentiment Analysis
The dataset used in the paper is Twitter data, which is used for sentiment analysis. The dataset contains user-level sentiments on specific topics. -
Twitter Hate Speech Dataset
A large-scale dataset of tweets, retweets, user activity history, and follower networks, comprising over 161 million tweets from more than 41 million unique users. -
HuggingFace DLab dataset
The HuggingFace DLab dataset is used for assessing fair target-group detection. It contains 135,556 posts with explicit annotations for the target group(s). -
Fact-checking article dataset
The dataset provides non-anonymized pairs of an original tweet and its reply in which FC-articles, from two major fact-checking sites snopes.com and politifact.com, are embedded. -
Understanding social media program usage in public transit agencies
Social media data for understanding social media program usage in public transit agencies -
Analyzing Social Media to Assess User Satisfaction with Transport for London’...
Social media data for assessing user satisfaction with Transport for London’s Oyster -
Spatial Data Mining of Public Transport Incidents reported in Social Media
Public transport agency social media posts and comments about incidents and service disruptions -
Reddit data
Reddit social media data from 128 universities and colleges in the U.S. collected from 2019 to 2022