6 datasets found

Groups: Stereo Matching

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  • ETH3D

    ETH3D is a small real-world grayscale dataset with both indoor and outdoor scenes. It contains 27 labeled stereo image pairs for training and 20 stereo pairs for testing.
  • KITTI 2012 dataset

    The dataset used for training and testing the proposed EDNet model for efficient disparity estimation.
  • Middlebury 2014

    The Middlebury 2014 dataset is a benchmark for stereo matching, consisting of 33 pairs of stereo images with sparse depth ground truth.
  • FlyingThings3D dataset

    The FlyingThings3D dataset is a benchmark for stereo matching, consisting of a large collection of images and corresponding disparity maps.
  • KITTI 2015 dataset

    KITTI 2015 dataset contains videos in 200 street scenes captured by RGB cameras, with sparse depth ground truths captured by Velodyne laser scanner.
  • Scene Flow

    Stereo matching aims to recover the dense reconstruction of unknown scenes by computing the disparity from rectified stereo images, helping robots intelligently interact with...