Syntactic Dependency Distances
The dataset contains syntactic dependency distances for 20 languages, with two-regime models and right-truncated geometric models. -
SSWL database of Syntactic Parameters
The SSWL database contains syntactic structures of world languages and their syntactic parameters. -
AANN construction dataset
The AANN construction dataset -
CoLA corpus and AANN construction dataset
The CoLA corpus of acceptability judgments and the AANN construction dataset -
Morph Call
Morph Call is a suite of 46 probing tasks for four Indo-European languages: Russian, French, English, and German. The suite includes a new type of probing task based on the... -
Penn Treebank
The Penn Treebank dataset contains one million words of 1989 Wall Street Journal material annotated in Treebank II style, with 42k sentences of varying lengths. -
Reduced Relative Clauses Training Dataset
The dataset used in the paper is a training dataset for the SPAWN model, consisting of 10000 sentences with reduced relative clauses. -
Comprehension-to-Production Priming Paradigm
The dataset used in the paper is a comprehension-to-production priming paradigm, where participants or SPAWN models are presented with three primes with the same structure,...