IMDB Sentiment Classification
The IMDB sentiment classification dataset is used for text classification tasks. -
A bus driver who was seriously injured when he was hit by a steam engine is making good progress, his wife has said. -
20-Newsgroups dataset
The 20-Newsgroups dataset is a collection of text documents. -
Twitter and Pinterest dataset
The dataset used for the experiments on Twitter and Pinterest. -
The REDDIT-BINARY dataset contains 2,000 graphs labeled as question/answer-based or discussion-based community in the content-aggregation website Reddit. -
Text classification problem has long been an interesting research field, the aim of text classification is to develop algorithm to find the categories of given documents. -
Amazon Review
The Amazon Review dataset is a widely used benchmark dataset for cross-domain sentiment analysis. -
Text Classification based on Multiple Block Convolutional Highways
Text classification based on Multiple Block Convolutional Highways -
Yelp Dataset Challenge
The Yelp dataset challenge contains reviews and images of restaurants, with the goal of recommending images for each review. -
Amazon@Beauty and Amazon@Books datasets
The Amazon@Beauty dataset is a collection of product reviews from Amazon.com, and the Amazon@Books dataset is a collection of product reviews from Amazon.com. -
OpenWebText Corpus
A dataset for language modeling, where the goal is to predict the next word in a sequence given the previous words.