Hare-Lynx population and Coronavirus 2019 outbreak
The dataset used in this paper is a collection of time series data from dynamical systems, including the Hare-Lynx population and Coronavirus 2019 outbreak. -
Tensor Kernel Recovery for Spatio-Temporal Hawkes Processes
The dataset is used to estimate the general influence functions for spatio-temporal Hawkes processes using a tensor recovery approach. -
Univariate cubic regression
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of noisy time series data for the univariate cubic regression. -
Bayesian polynomial neural ODEs
The dataset used in the paper is a collection of noisy time series data for the Lotka-Volterra oscillator, damped oscillator, and Lorenz attractor. -
NYSE Financial Network Dataset
The dataset is used for analyzing time-varying financial networks extracted from the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) dataset. -
Timeseries Generator
The dataset used in the paper is a timeseries generator that simulates processes emitting common and rare symbols. -
Gravitational Data
The dataset contains m = 861 points equally spaced in time from [0, 1] and the total number of random features in SRMD is set to N = 20m = 17280. -
Pure Sinusoidal Signals with Noise
The dataset contains m = 1000 points equally spaced in time from [0, 1] and the total number of random features in SRMD is set to N = 50m = 5000. -
Instantanenous Frequencies of Intersecting Time-Series
The dataset contains m = 1600 equally spaced in time points from [0, 10] and we set N = 10m = 16000. -
Discontinuous Time-Series
The dataset contains m = 320 points equally spaced in time from [0, 2] and the total number of random features in SRMD is set to N = 50m = 16000. -
Sparse Random Mode Decomposition
The proposed method builds from the continuous STFT, that is, we represent a signal f ∈ L1([0, T ]) by f (t) = ∑∞ −∞ f (t)W (t − τ )dτ = ∑∞ ∑∞ −∞ −∞ α(ω, τ ) W (t − τ ) exp... -
Example dataset
The data used in this example was generated using the following equation: f (x, t) = g1(x)eλ1t +g2(x)eλ2t +g3(x)eλ3t +σ(cid:15) (12) where (cid:15) ∼ N (0, 1) is normally... -
Stationarity of the detrended price return in stock markets
The dataset is used to test the stationarity of the detrended price return in stock markets. -
Multi-Decoder RNN Autoencoder Based on Variational Bayes Method
Time series data analysis, clustering algorithms, recurrent neural network, variational Bayes method -
Nonlinear Deterministic Processes
Time series realizations generated from nonlinear deterministic processes in chaotic regimes, experimental time series and non-deterministic processes. -
Order Flow Dataset
The dataset consists of the order flow data of Microsoft Corp. (MSFT) and Tesla Inc. (TSLA). -
U.S. GNP Growth Rate Dataset
The dataset consists of the growth rate of real U.S. GNP. -
Dancing Bees Dataset
The dataset consists of the spatial trajectories of bees performing the waggle dance. -
Sleep-EDF dataset
Polysomnographic data from the Sleep-EDF dataset, which contains 197 full-night polysomnographic recordings. -
GAB and Telegram dataset for Wagner militia mutiny
The dataset contains posts from GAB and Telegram platforms, focusing on the Wagner militia mutiny and its impact on global events.