26 datasets found

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  • MobileNeRF

    MobileNeRF: Exploiting the Polygon Rasterization Pipeline for Efficient Neural Field Rendering on Mobile Architectures
  • Sparse Neural Radiance Grids (SNeRG)

    Recent work has addressed this issue by “baking” NeRFs into a sparse 3D voxel grid [21, 51]. For example, Hedman et al. introduced Sparse Neural Radiance Grids (SNeRG) [21],...
  • NeRF

    NeRF [33] has demonstrated amazing ability to synthesize images of 3D scenes from novel views. However, they rely upon specialized volumetric rendering algorithms based on ray...
  • DTU dataset

    The DTU dataset is a large-scale dataset for multi-view stereo depth inference. It contains over 100 scans taken under 7 different lighting conditions and fixed camera...
  • DTU

    The DTU dataset is a large-scale dataset for 3D reconstruction and editing. It contains 15 scenes with images of 1600x1200 resolution and accompanying foreground masks.
  • LLFF

    The LLFF dataset contains 8 forward-facing scenes. Following [19, 26, 35, 42], we take every 8-th image as the novel views for testing. The input views are evenly sampled across...