Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Enterprises sourcing complete business functions abroad by NACE Rev.2 activit...
Enterprises sourcing complete business functions abroad by NACE Rev.2 activity aggregate, type of business function and business partner - experimental statistics -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity)...
Time spent in total work (paid and unpaid work as main or secondary activity) by sex and by form of work -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
International supply of services by modes, type of product (EBOPS 2010) and p...
International supply of services by modes, type of product (EBOPS 2010) and partner country -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - total p...
Share of people living in under-occupied dwellings by tenure status - total population -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist...
Production of environmental protection services of corporations as specialist and secondary producers by economic characteristics (2006-2021) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Arrears on mortgage or rent payments
Arrears on mortgage or rent payments -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding...
Mean monthly earnings by sex, age and occupation - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O (2022) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Agricultural holdings with livestock
Livestock are the production animals that are in direct possession or management of the holding on the reference day of the survey. -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Activity rates by sex and age
Activity rates by sex and age -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Mean annual holidays by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
EU level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by various types of p...
EU level - gross weight of goods handled in main ports, by various types of partner geographical areas -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of re...
Pending 'Dublin' outgoing requests by receiving country (PARTNER), type of request, sex and type of applicant -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or ...
Annual earnings by economic control (enterprises with 10 employed persons or more) - NACE Rev. 2, B-S excluding O -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of citizenship
Smoking of tobacco products by sex, age and country of citizenship -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, ...
Incoming 'Dublin' requests by submitting country (PARTNER), type of request, legal provision, sex and type of applicant -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation
Number of employees by sex, size class of the enterprise and occupation -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Foreign students by level and field of education
Foreign students by level and field of education -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and professional status
Employment by type of disability, sex, age and professional status -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
GERD by sector of performance and NUTS 2 region
GERD by sector of performance and NUTS 2 region