Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Land use overview by NUTS 2 region
Land use overview by NUTS 2 region -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Percentage of the ICT sector personnel in total employment
Number of persons employed in the ICT sector (source: SBS, variable V16110) Since 2008, definition of the ICT sector is based on NACE Rev. 2 classification as follows: ICT Total... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Nights spent by age group of the tourist
Nights spent by age group of the tourist -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Landings of fishery products in the United Kingdom
Landings of fishery products in the United Kingdom -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
External balance of goods and services, current prices
The external balance of goods and services (ESA 2010, 8.68) is the difference between exports of goods and services and imports of goods and services. If positive, the economy... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Self-reported cervical smear test by educational attainment level among women...
Self-reported cervical smear test by educational attainment level among women aged 20-69 (%) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of total cost, LCS sur...
Structure of labour cost by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity - % of total cost, LCS survey 2008 -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons with disabilities by sex, need for assistance and having a longstandi...
Persons with disabilities by sex, need for assistance and having a longstanding difficulty in basic activities -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Business demography by size class and other typologies
Business demography by size class and other typologies -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Correction coefficients outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (B...
Correction coefficients outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 100) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Enterprises who employed ICT/IT specialists (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity)
Enterprises who employed ICT/IT specialists (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age
Persistent at-risk-of-poverty rate by sex and age -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
HICP - energy
Harmonised Indices of Consumer Prices (HICP) are designed for international comparisons of consumer price inflation. HICPs are used for the assessment of the inflation... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons killed in road accidents
Persons killed in road accidents -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Unitisation in rail freight transport- tonne-kilometre for gross-gross weight...
Unitisation in rail freight transport- tonne-kilometre for gross-gross weight of goods -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Difficulties in personal care activities by sex, age and educational attainme...
Difficulties in personal care activities by sex, age and educational attainment level -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Share of housing cost in disposable income by level of disability (activity l...
Share of housing cost in disposable income by level of disability (activity limitation), sex and age -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pens...
Average age at which not employed persons started receiving a retirement pension - by sex and main reason for retirement or early retirement -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and employment contract
Number of employees by sex, economic activity and employment contract -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Settlement area per capita
This indicator captures the amount of settlement area used for buildings, industrial and commercial areas, infrastructure and sports grounds etc. and includes both sealed and...