Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
R&D personnel in ICT sector as % of total R&D personnel by NACE Rev. 1.1 acti...
R&D personnel in ICT sector as % of total R&D personnel by NACE Rev. 1.1 activity -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Non EU co-ownership of Community designs (CD)
Non EU co-ownership of Community designs (CD) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Enterprises - level of internet access (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity)
Enterprises - level of internet access (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Crude death rate by suicide of young people by sex and age
Crude death rate by suicide of young people by sex and age -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Energy technologies applications under the patent cooperation treaty (PCT), ...
Energy technologies applications under the patent cooperation treaty (PCT), designated to the EPO by priority year -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Community designs (CD) per billion GDP
Community designs (CD) per billion GDP -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Patents granted by the USPTO by priority year by institutional sector
Patents granted by the USPTO by priority year by institutional sector -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Allocation of primary income account of households by NUTS 2 regions
Allocation of primary income account of households by NUTS 2 regions -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
European Union trade mark (EUTM) registrations by class (Nice classification)
European Union trade mark (EUTM) registrations by class (Nice classification) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Employment rate by educational attainment level
The indicator is calculated by dividing the number of employed people within the age group 20-64 years having attained a specific level of education by the total population of... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Types of purchase made from external service providers by sector and size class
Types of purchase made from external service providers by sector and size class -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
High-tech patents granted by the USPTO by priority year
High-tech patents granted by the USPTO by priority year -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Industry - index (2010 = 100), quarterly data (NACE Rev. 2)
Industry - index (2010 = 100), quarterly data (NACE Rev. 2) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Water use from public water supply, by NACE Rev. 2 activity
Water supplied by economic units engaged in collection, purification and distribution of water (including desalting of sea water to produce water as the principal product of... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Treatment capacity of wastewater treatment plants by river basin district (RBD)
Treatment capacity of wastewater treatment plants by river basin district (RBD) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Radio navigation by satellite patents granted by the USPTO by priority year
Radio navigation by satellite patents granted by the USPTO by priority year -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Employees - availability of computers (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity)
Employees - availability of computers (NACE Rev. 1.1 activity) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Pupils in upper secondary education enrolled in vocational stream
This indicator provides information on the percentage of boys and girls in upper secondary education who are enrolled in the vocational stream. It is indicative in the... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Registered Community design (RCD) specialisation index
Registered Community design (RCD) specialisation index -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Net earnings of a full-time single worker without children, 100% average wage...
Information on net earnings (net pay taken home, in absolute figures) complements gross earnings data with respect to disposable earnings. The transition from gross to net...