Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Perceived independence of the justice system
The indicator is designed to explore respondents’ perceptions about the independence of the judiciary across EU Member States, looking specifically at the perceived independence... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical...
Persons reporting exposure to risk factors that can adversely affect physical health by sex, age and educational attainment level -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Active population by sex, age and country of birth (1 000)
Active population by sex, age and country of birth (1 000) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Mean annual holidays by sex, age and economic activity
Mean annual holidays by sex, age and economic activity -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Internet purchases - goods or services (2020 onwards)
Internet purchases - goods or services (2020 onwards) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Asylum decisions at final instance by type of decision - % of total decision...
Asylum decisions at final instance by type of decision - % of total decisions at final instance -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NU...
Population change - Demographic balance and crude rates at regional level (NUTS 3) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Education - cities and greater cities
Education - cities and greater cities -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Deaths (total) by other typologies
Deaths (total) by other typologies -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Vaccination against influenza of population aged 65 and over
Vaccination against influenza of population aged 65 and over -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Tax rate on low wage earners - Unemployment trap
Tax rate on low wage earners - Unemployment trap -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and employment contract (2022)
Mean monthly hours paid by sex, economic activity and employment contract (2022) -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Final consumption expenditure of households and non-profit institutions servi...
Private consumption expenditure consists of expenditure incurred for the direct satisfaction of individual or collective needs by private households or non-profit institutions... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Income inequality for older people - EU-SILC survey
The ratio of total income received by the 20 % of the population with the highest income (top quintile) to that received by the 20 % of the population with the lowest income... -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Passengers (excluding cruise passengers) transported from/to the main ports
Passengers (excluding cruise passengers) transported from/to the main ports -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in time off work by period off
Persons reporting an accident at work resulting in time off work by period off -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Agricultural holdings by age of manager
The farm manager is the natural person responsible for the normal daily financial and production routines of running the holding. -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Women who have experienced stalking, by person/support service to whom violen...
Women who have experienced stalking, by person/support service to whom violence was reported -
Eurostat (Official EU Statistics)
Purchasing Power Parities outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index ...
Purchasing Power Parities outside the European Union (Duty stations) - index (Brussels = 1) (Monthly data)