PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_11-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_12-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_38-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_39-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_69-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_77-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Side scan sonar and swath bathymetry collected along OFOBS profiles PS118_81-...
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
North-south storm track index reconstruction for western Europe from Pedrido ...
To create the storm track index, the above described storminess record from Spain was subtracted from a storminess record from Scotland, derived by averaging the results of two... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Sand-based storminess proxies from Pedrido Bog, Galicia, Spain
Over annual to decadal timescales changes in the storm track influences regional climate in Europe, however little is known about how the storm track varies over centennial and... -
PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Geochemistry of sediment core PG2203-1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Mercury concentration of sediment core PG2203-1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Stable carbon isotope ratios of sediment core PG2203-1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Keathley_Canyon_596_1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Keathley_Canyon_102_1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Atwater_Valley_182_1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Green_Canyon_653_3
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Green_Canyon_826_3
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Walker_Ridge_584_1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Walker_Ridge_096_1
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PANGAEA (Data Publisher for Earth & Environmental Science)
Delta LogR TOC measuremet in well Sigsbee_Escarpment_039_1
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