Discrete-time semi-markov models for the analysis of dependent departure and arrival streams

Abstract: This repository hosts the research software designed for the analysis of the output dynamics of the discrete-time M/G/1-queue and for analyzing discrete-time open tandem queues with Poisson arrivals and semi-Markov departure processes. The software is implemented in Java. TechnicalRemarks: The project folder contains three packages: The package “main” implements the main classes of the project, including the class for the analysis of the output stream of the discrete-time M/G/1-queue, and the discrete-time semi-Markov models. The package “sim” implements the discrete-event simulation model for verification. * The package “tools” provides an array of classes that provide essential tools such as algebraic utilities, input parsing, and output generation.

Additionally, the project folder contains the package "data" with two data sets: Data set for the analysis of the output dynamics of discrete-time M/G/1-queues. Within this data set, each of three distinct service time variability levels (no variability, low variability, and high variability) is systematically combined with the set of five utilization parameters. Data set for the analysis of discrete-time tandem queues with semi-Markov arrivals. The data set contains input data with low and high service time variability in five utilization parameters.

Cite this as

Jacobi, Christoph (2023). Dataset: Discrete-time semi-markov models for the analysis of dependent departure and arrival streams. https://doi.org/10.35097/1849

DOI retrieved: 2023

Additional Info

Field Value
Imported on November 28, 2024
Last update November 28, 2024
License Other
Source https://doi.org/10.35097/1849
Author Jacobi, Christoph
Given Name Christoph
Family Name Jacobi
Source Creation 2023
Karlsruhe Institute of Technology
Production Year 2023
Publication Year 2023
Subject Areas
Name: Engineering