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field trial antibiosis
Cabbage whitefly antibiosis results (offspring mortality, fecundity (number of eggs per day and female) and estimated degree of soiling caused by CWF infestation (due to honeydew, sooty moulds, exuviae, etc.) of the field trial.
Cite this as
Peter Hondelmann, Christina Paul, Monika Schreiner, Rainer Meyhöfer (2020). Dataset: Importance of Antixenosis and Antibiosis Resistance to the Cabbage Whitefly (Aleyrodes proletella) in Brussels Sprout Cultivars. Resource: field trial antibiosis.
DOI retrieved: July 21, 2020
Additional Information
Field | Value |
Created | unknown |
Last updated | October 14, 2021 |
Format | text/csv |