Dataset for “morphological defences and defence-cost-trade-offs in daphnia in response to two co-occurring invertebrate predators”

Abstract: This data set provides measurements of life history and morphological anti-predator responses of eight Daphnia galeata clones to the kairomones of two invertebrate predators, Leptodora kindtii and Bythotrephes longimanus. The first file “Octorina_etal_2022_life_history_responses.csv” provides data for age at first reproduction [days] and number of neonates per Daphnia [#/Daphnia] in 92 experimental units distributed across eight clones (A-H) and three treatments (Bythotrephes, Leptodora, and Control). The second file “Octorina_etal_2022_morphological_responses.csv” provides measurements of Daphnia body size [µm], body width [µm], head size [µm], spina size [µm], and eye diameter [µm] of 337 individuals measured in the 92 experimental units across the eight clones and three treatments. For more details see Octorina et al. (2022) Morphological defences and defence–cost trade‐offs in Daphnia in response to two co‐occurring invertebrate predators. Freshwater Biology, doi:

Cite this as

Octorina, Pelita, Böhm, Alexander, Martin-Creuzburg, Dominik, Straile, Dietmar (2022). Dataset: Dataset for “morphological defences and defence-cost-trade-offs in daphnia in response to two co-occurring invertebrate predators”.

DOI retrieved: 2022

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Field Value
Imported on January 12, 2023
Last update August 4, 2023
License CC BY 4.0 Attribution
Author Octorina, Pelita
More Authors
Böhm, Alexander
Martin-Creuzburg, Dominik
Straile, Dietmar
Source Creation 2022
Universität Konstanz
Production Year 2022
Publication Year 2022
Subject Areas
Name: Environmental Science and Ecology

related_identifiers [{"identifier": "10.1111/fwb.13888", "identifier_type": "DOI", "relation_type": "IsSupplementTo"}]