RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Low-cost photoreactors for highly photon/energy-efficient solar-driven synthe...
Abstract: Sonnengestützte Prozesse inspirieren Hoffnungen und Träume von einer nachhaltigen Zukunft auf dem Planeten Erde. Das Design und die Auslegung von Fotoreaktoren für... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Digitale datensätze der dissertation "die charakterisierung des transkription...
TechnicalRemarks: Eine Auflistung und Beschreibung der Daten befindet sich im Anhang unter 6.1. Die Generierung und Auswertung der Daten befindet sich im Methodenteil der... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Analysis data to caldas-alvarez and khodayar (2020)
TechnicalRemarks: Model output used to produce the graphics of the manuscript Caldas-Alvarez and Khodayar (2020). Observational data are not included as they have been obtained... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments for "rank-adaptive dynamical low-rank integrators for f...
TechnicalRemarks: ##### Instructions: The scripts inside the subfolder are intended to reproduce the figures from the preprint Rank-adaptive dynamical low-rank integrators for... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
3d µct images of specimens of carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 plaque, fib...
Abstract: This dataset includes 3D µCT images of nine different specimen of 10 mm \times 10 mm of a carbon fiber reinforced polyamide 6 plaque produced in the long fiber... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments for "dynamical low-rank integrators for second-order ma...
TechnicalRemarks: Instructions: The scripts inside the subfolder are intended to reproduce the figures from the preprint Dynamical low-rank integrators for second-order matrix... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments for "on dynamical low-rank integrators for matrix diffe...
Abstract: This code has been used for the numerical experiments in the thesis "On dynamical low-rank integrators for matrix differential equations" by Stefan Schrammer, see... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "rank-adaptive dynamical low-rank integrators for fi...
TechnicalRemarks: Instructions: The scripts inside the subfolders are intended to reproduce the figures from the preprint Rank-adaptive dynamical low-rank integrators for... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "inverse medium scattering for a nonlinear helmholtz...
TechnicalRemarks: This is a guide to generate the figures that have been used in the work Inverse medium scattering for a nonlinear Helmholtz equation by Roland Griesmaier,... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "exponential integrators for quasilinear wave-type e...
Abstract: This code was used for the numerical experiments in the revised preprint (CRC Preprint 2021/12; URL: https://www.waves.kit.edu/downloads/CRC1173_Preprint_2021-12.pdf)... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Digitale datensätze zur dissertation regulation von frühen endosomenpopulatio...
TechnicalRemarks: Auflistung und Beschreibung der digitalen Datensätze im Apendix zur Dissertation Regulation von frühen Endosomenpopulationen bei Transportprozessen und der... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "on averaged exponential integrators for semilinear ...
Abstract: This code was used for the numerical experiments in the preprint (CRC Preprint 2021/12; URL: https://www.waves.kit.edu/downloads/CRC1173_Preprint_2021-12.pdf) and in... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to the dissertation "a unified error analysis for the n...
Abstract: This code is used for the numerical experiments in the dissertation "A unified error analysis for the numerical solution of nonlinear wave-type equations with... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "error analysis of exponential integrators for nonli...
Abstract: This code has been used for the numerical experiments in the thesis "Error Analysis of Exponential Integrators for Nonlinear Wave-Type Equations" by Benjamin Dörich,... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "error analysis for space discretizations of quasili...
Abstract: This code was used for the numerical experiments in the preprint (CRC Preprint 2021/2; URL: https://www.waves.kit.edu/downloads/CRC1173_Preprint_2021-2.pdf) and in the... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "numerical homogenization of time-dependent maxwell'...
Abstract: This code has been used for the numerical experiments in the thesis "Numerical homogenization of time-dependent Maxwell's equations with dispersion effects" by Jan... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "an implicit-explicit time discretization scheme for...
Abstract: This code was used for the numerical experiments in the preprint (CRC Preprint 2020/20; URL: http://www.waves.kit.edu/downloads/CRC1173_Preprint_2020-20.pdf) and in... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Appendix (srias2practice): code & daten zur verknüpfung der videos bei veröff...
Abstract: Unter Verwendung der im ZIP-File bereitgestellten Informationen bzw. Anwendungen, lassen sich die im Forschungsverbund zur Selbstregulation im Alltag von Studierenden... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Water vapour profiles from wavas satellite component in harmonized format (wa...
Abstract: This is the databank of satellite vertical profiles of the water vapour, that have participated in SPARC WAVAS assessment, in a harmonized format, WAVAS_SAHAR. All... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Sem, fib, stem images. xrd data. raw friction data
TechnicalRemarks: Raw friction data as well XRd data from CuMn alloys. SEM and STEM images of these calloys after tribological loading