Leibniz University Hannover
Supplementary Material and Code: Modeling and Predictive Control for the Trea...
Here, we provide the supplementary material and the code related to the paper entitled "Modeling and Predictive Control for the Treatment of Hyperthyroidism". -
Leibniz University Hannover
Nonlinear moving horizon estimation for robust state and parameter estimation
This dataset contains the simulation code of the numerical example in the paper Nonlinear moving horizon estimation for robust state and parameter estimation. The provided... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Gaussian Processes with Noisy Regression Inputs for Dynamical Systems
We here provide the code related to our recent paper "Gaussian Processes with Noisy Regression Inputs for Dynamical Systems". To run the code, execute the 'offline_phase.mat' or... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Gaussian Process-Based Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation Code
We here provide the implementation of the GP based MHE framework as introduced in the submitted paper entitled "Gaussian Process-Based Nonlinear Moving Horizon Estimation" by...