RADAR (Research Data Repository)
2.3 urbane datenräume und digitale gemeingüter - instrumente für open governm...
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RADAR (Research Data Repository)
1.4 rechtliche aspekte des forschungsdatenmanagements
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RADAR (Research Data Repository)
1.3 förderpolitische maßgaben
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RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Updated results to publication “estimation of recombination rate and maternal...
Abstract: In Hampel et al. (2018, Fron Genet), we proposed an advanced method for the estimation of paternal recombination rate and maternal linkage disequilibrium between pairs... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Fragebogen, interviewleitfaden und zusätzliche forschungsdaten zur dissertati...
Abstract: Die Arbeit aus dem Bereich der fremdsprachlichen Lehrerbildung untersucht virtuelle Aufgabenbearbeitung in mehrsprachigen Gruppen in einem universitären binationalen... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Gis-based paleo-shoreline extraction toolbox - uplifted quartnernary terraces...
Abstract: Arc-GIS 10.X toolbox for a semi-automated extraction of paleo-shorelines from high-resolution DEMs -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Additional data cc_gmc study
TableOfContents: Data_dwnld_F1_20180828 Folder containing the MPD projects that were downloaded on 28.8.2018 from MPD and then used for the analyses described in our manuscript.... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Data archive for: thiele, wunderling, leyendecker (2019) multiplexed and sing...
TableOfContents: Abstact of the publication: Cellular lipid metabolism is a complex network process comprising dozens of enzymes, multiple organelles and more than a thousand... -
RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Data and codes for publication tang et al 2019
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RADAR (Research Data Repository)
Numerical experiments to "a unified error analysis for nonlinear wave-type eq...
TechnicalRemarks: This code is used for the numerical experiment in Section 6 of the paper "A unified error analysis for nonlinear wave-type equations with application to... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Wind Turbine Sound Propagation Data for the Validation of Models
Within the project "WEA-Akzeptanz" a model for the propagation of wind turbine noise was developed using the Crank-Nicolson Parabolic Equation method. For the validation of the... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Wind Turbine Simulation Data for Meta-Modelling
This data set correlates environmental conditions acting on an offshore wind turbine (inputs) with fatigue loads of the turbine (outputs). The investigated wind turbine is the... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Wake properties and power output of very large wind farms in the German Bight
PALM input files and plot scripts PALM input files The input files for the precursor and main simulations can be found in the directory SteeringFiles. They include: a steering... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Proceedings of the 8th Workshop on Encrypted Computing and Applied Homomorphic Cryptography -
Leibniz University Hannover
Visual Inspection Ontology
This file contains all relevant files of the developed visual inspection ontology for documenting visual inspections. The ontology is embedded and implemented in the semantics... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Visual Granulometry: Image-based Granulometry of Concrete Aggregate
Introduction Concrete is one if the most used building materials worldwide. With up to 80% of volume, a large constituent of concrete consists of fine and coarse aggregate... -
Leibniz University Hannover
VisE-D: Visual Event Classification Dataset
VisE-D: Visual Event Classification Dataset This repository contains the Visual Event Classification Dataset (VisE-D) introduced in the paper: Eric Müller-Budack, Matthias... -
Leibniz University Hannover
Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of Observed Intensity: Effects o...
This data contain all relevant model steering, output, plot, and analysis files that were used to create the publication "Toward Large-Eddy Simulations of Dust Devils of...