Entropy obtained from numerical solution of the TBA equations (\ref{so5_dressedeinteq}) for $p_0=2+1/3$ and $H_2\equiv 0$ as a function of the field $zH_1/M_0$ for $T=0.02M_0$. For fields large compared to the $[1,0]$-soliton mass, $zH_1\gg 2\sqrt{3}M_0$, the entropy approaches the expected analytical value (\ref{so5_Entropy_CFT1}) for a field theory with a free bosonic sector and a $Z_{SO(5){N_f}}/Z{SO(3){N_f}}$ parafermion sector propagating with velocities $v{[1,0]}$ and $v^{(1)}_{pf}$, respectively (full red line). For magnetic fields $zH_1<2\sqrt{3}M_0$ and temperature $T\ll 2\sqrt{3}M_0$ the entropy is that of a dilute gas of non-interacting quasi-particles with degenerate internal degree of freedom due to the anyons.
Cite this as
Daniel Borcherding, Holger Frahm (2019). Dataset: Condensates of SO(5)_N anyons. Resource: Entropy1_2_3.zip. https://doi.org/10.25835/0007088
DOI retrieved: June 25, 2019
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Last updated | October 14, 2021 |
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