Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and paleoproductivity reconstructions for the last 550 kyr of the Ontong Java Plateau, western equatorial Pacific

We analyzed foraminiferal and nannofossil assemblages and stable isotopes in samples from ODP Hole 807A on the Ontong Java Plateau in order to evaluate productivity and carbonate dissolution cycles over the last 550 kyr (kilo year) in the western equatorial Pacific. Our results indicate that productivity was generally higher in glacials than during interglacials, and gradually increased since MIS 13. Carbonate dissolution was weak in deglacial intervals, but often reached a maximum during interglacial to glacial transitions. Carbonate cycles in the western equatorial Pacific were mainly influenced by changes of deep-water properties rather than by local primary productivity. Fluctuations of the estimated thermocline depth were not related to glacial to interglacial alternations, but changed distinctly at ~280 kyr. Before that time the thermocline was relatively shallow and its depth fluctuated at a comparatively high amplitude and low frequency. After 280 kyr, the thermocline was deeper, and its fluctuations were at lower amplitude and higher frequency. These different patterns in productivity and thermocline variability suggest that thermocline dynamics probably were not a controlling factor of biological productivity in the western equatorial Pacific Ocean. In this region, upwelling, the influx of cool, nutrient-rich waters from the eastern equatorial Pacific or of fresh waters from rivers have probably never been important, and their influence on productivity has been negligible over the studied period. Variations in the inferred productivity in general are well correlated with fluctuations in the eolian flux as recorded in the northwestern Pacific, a proxy for the late Quaternary history of the central East Asian dust flux into the Pacific. Therefore, we suggest that the dust flux from the central East Asian continent may have been an important driver of productivity in the western Pacific.

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Zhang, Jiangyong, Wang, Pinxian, Li, Qianyu, Cheng, Xinrong, Jin, Haiyan, Zhang, Shiying (2007). Dataset: Benthic foraminiferal assemblages and paleoproductivity reconstructions for the last 550 kyr of the Ontong Java Plateau, western equatorial Pacific.

DOI retrieved: 2007

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Imported on November 30, 2024
Last update November 30, 2024
License CC-BY-3.0
Author Zhang, Jiangyong
Given Name Jiangyong
Family Name Zhang
More Authors
Wang, Pinxian
Li, Qianyu
Cheng, Xinrong
Jin, Haiyan
Zhang, Shiying
Source Creation 2007
Publication Year 2007
Resource Type application/zip - filename: Zhang_benth_forams
Subject Areas
Name: Paleontology

Related Identifiers
Title: Western equatorial Pacific productivity and carbonate dissolution over the last 550 kyr: Foraminiferal and nannofossil evidence from ODP Hole 807A
Type: DOI
Relation: IsSupplementTo
Year: 2007
Source: Marine Micropaleontology
Authors: Zhang Jiangyong , Wang Pinxian , Li Qianyu , Cheng Xinrong , Jin Haiyan , Zhang Shiying .